Anglican Traditions in the Catholic Church

In 2009, Pope Benedict XVI. issued the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus to regulate the entry of Anglicans into full communion with the Catholic Church. As a consequence,  various liturgical forms were  approved for former members of the Anglican Communion, thus introducing Anglican liturgical traditions  into the Catholic Church. The scientific research of these new liturgical forms, which comprise the Eucharist as well as other sacraments, has been carried through for some years in the Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology section at the Faculty of Catholic Theology. Several studies on this subject have been published. Since 2017 this field of study has been intensified and expanded as a new research focus.

Representatives of all three Personal Ordinariates for former Anglicans in the Catholic Church (Australia, England and the US with Canada) are now writing their dissertations, focusing on certain aspects of integrating Anglican liturgical traditions into the Catholic Church.

Dissertations originated from this research project

  • Seper, Daniel  [Österreich]
    Das Book of Divine Worship - eine Untersuchung des liturgischen Buches für Katholiken anglikanischer Tradition;
    published: United not absorbed. Geschichte und Gottesdienst der Katholiken anglikanischer Tradition (Austrian Studies of Liturgy and Sacramental Theology 11), Wien 2020.
    LIT-Verlag     google books

Current dissertations

  • Bradley, James [UK]
    The Liturgical Law of Divine Worship
  • Hill, Stephen [Australien]
    The Language of Divine Worship and its Pastoral Implications
  • Hough IV, Charles A. [USA]
    Divine Worship: The Missal. The Order of Mass as a Recognizable Expression of the Roman Rite while being Distinctively and Traditionally Anglican in Character
  • Kutarna, Alexis [USA]
    The "Musification of the Word" (Joseph Ratzinger): An Approach to the Primacy of the Logos in Liturgical Music With Regard to Divine Worship
  • Lloyd, Daniel [UK]
    "An Honourable Estate": The Solemnisation of Holy Matrimony in Divine Worship