Foto above: ©Wellcome Library, London


  • Appointments for oral examinations at the KTF are made exclusively via the electronic timetable TEMPUS.
  • Login to TEMPUS via the university weblogin (u: account and password), registration is not necessary.
  • An appointment in TEMPUS requires a valid examination registration via U:SPACE.
  • Entry into the electronic timetable TEMPUS is possible 2-6 days before the respective examination date.
  • Link to TEMPUS
  • TEMPUS training document for students (in German language)

Upcoming oral exams held by Prof. Feulner

  • October 17th and 18th, 2024
  • December 5th and 6th, 2024
  • January 30th and 31st, 2025

Prerequisites for online exams with Prof. Feulner

In case of an online exam please get in touch with us per e-mail before taking the exam.

Please check technical requirements before you take an online exam:

  • stable internet connection
  • webcam
  • microphone (if not yet integrated into webcam)
  • speakers that work (either integrated or as headsets)

Online exams are currently held via BigBlueButton. 

Arrangements for online exams

For legal clarity please consider the following:

  • As a student you provide Prof. Feulner with your declared consent via e-mail: you agree to this method of examination, you are capable of handling the program and you declare that you will not create nor pass on any audio visual recording of the exam.
  • Please have your student identity card ready for identity verification.
  • After the exam Prof. Feulner will immediately grade you.
  • Should the exam have to be interrupted for technical reasons, it is up to Prof. Feulner to decide whether he is ready to grade your exam, to continue with another question or to cancel the whole exam due to technical difficulties.
  • The exam will be cancelled should the lecturer suspect the use of non-permitted aids.
  • With your registration for an online exam you do agree to the terms of an online examination.